Other Projects and Reports


DeWeber, J. T., J. T. Peterson, C. Sharpe, M. L. Kent, M. E. Colvin, and C. B. Schreck.  2017.  A hidden-process model for estimating prespawn mortality using carcass survey data.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:162-175

Van Doornik, D. M., M. A. Hess, M. A. Johnson, D. J. Teel, T. A. Friesen, and J. M. Myers.  2015.  Genetic population structure of Willamette River steelhead and the influence of introduced stocks.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:150-162.

Johnson, M. A., and T. A. Friesen.  2014.  Genetic diversity and population structure of spring Chinook Salmon from the upper Willamette River, Oregon.  North American Journal of Fisheries Managment 34:853-862.

Rawding, D. J., C. S. Sharpe, and S. M. Blankenship. 2014. Genetic-based estimates of adult Chinook salmon spawner abundance from carcass surveys and juvenile out-migrant traps. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:55-67.

Teel, D. J., C. Baker, D. R. Kuligowski, T. A. Friesen and B. Shields. 2009. Genetic stock composition of subyearling Chinook salmon in seasonal floodplain wetlands of the lower Willamette River, Oregon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:211-217.

Friesen, T. A., J. S Vile, and A. L. Pribyl. 2007Outmigration of juvenile Chinook salmon in the lower Willamette River, Oregon. Northwest Science 81:173–190.

Lindsay, R. B., K. R. Kenaston, and R. K. Schroeder. 2000. Low adult return of juvenile steelhead treated with 17α-methyltestosterone to produce sterility. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:575-583.


Olmsted, P. M., M. A. Johnson, T. A. Friesen, and J. R. Brandt.  2018.  Migration survival, growth, and fate of hatchery juvenile Chinook salmon released above and below dams in the Willamette River basin.  Final Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Task Order W9127N-10-2-0008-0034.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis.

Romer, J. D., F. R. Monzyk, E. J. Suring, and T. A. Friesen.  2018.  Hult Reservoir species composition, size, and relative abundance 2017.  Final Report to Bureau of Land Management, Siuslaw Field Office, Cooperative Agreement L12AC20634.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis.

McNatt, R. A., B. Cannon, S. A. Hinton, L. D. Whitman, R. Klopfenstein, T. A. Friesen, and D. L. Bottom. Multnomah Channel Wetland Restoration Monitoring Project. 2017. Final Report to the Sustainability Center, Oregon Metro Natural Areas Program.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis, and National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle.

Mapes, R. L., C. S. Sharpe, and T. A. Friesen.  2017.  Evaluation of the trap and transport of adult steelhead above USACE project dams in the upper Willamette basin.  Final Report to the University of Idaho and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CESU agreement W912HZ-16-2-0013.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis.

Whitman, L. D., R. K. Schroeder, and T. A. Friesen. 2017. Evaluating migration timing and habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon and winter steelhead in the mainstem Willamette River and major spawning tributaries. Final Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Task Order W9127N-16-P-0157. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis.

Friesen, T. A.  2016.  Fishes and other aquatic biota of the Spring Park Natural Area, North Clackamas County, Oregon.  Annual Report to North Clackamas County Parks and Recreation District.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis.

Johnson, M. A., T. A. Friesen, P. M. Olmsted, and J. R. Brandt.  2016.  Migration, survival, growth, and fate of hatchery juvenile Chinook salmon released above and below dams in the Willamette River basin.  Annual Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Task Orders W9127N-10-2-0008-0005, 0009, 0018, 0025, and 0034.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis.

Brandt, J. R., T. A. Friesen, M. A. Johnson, and P. M. Olmsted.  2016.  Migration, survival, growth, and fate of hatchery juvenile Chinook salmon released above and below dams in the Willamette River basin.  Annual Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Task Order W9127N-10-2-0008-0025.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis.

Cannon, B., T. A. Friesen, L. D. Whitman, S. A. Hinton, R. McNatt, and D. L. Bottom.  2015.  Multnomah Channel Wetland Restoration Monitoring Project.  2014 Annual Report to Metro, Natural Areas Program.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis, and National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle.

Tinus, C. A. and T. A. Friesen. 2010. Summer and winter steelhead in the upper Willamette basin: current knowledge, data needs, and recommendations. Final Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Task Order NWPPM-09-FH-05. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis.

Friesen, T. A., editor. 2005. Biology, behavior, and resources of resident and anadromous fish in the lower Willamette River. Information Report 2007-03.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem.


Olmsted, P. M., J. R. Brandt, T. A. Friesen, and M. A. Johnson.  2015.  Impacts of dam and reservoir passage on outmigrating juvenile Chinook Salmon: Results from a paired release study in the upper Willamette basin.  145th Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR.  

Olmsted P. M., M. A. Johnson, Friesen, T. A. 2014.  Migration, survival, growth, and fate of hatchery juvenile Chinook salmon released above and below dams in the upper Willamette river basin. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Willamette Basin Fisheries Science Review, Portland, OR.

Friesen, T. A., M. A. Johnson, S. E. Savoie, R. K. Schroeder, and P. M. Olmsted. 2013. Migration, survival, growth and fate of hatchery juvenile Chinook salmon released above and below dams in the Middle Fork Willamette River. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Willamette Basin Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis, OR.

Friesen, T. A., M. A. Johnson, S. E. Savoie, R. K., Schroeder, and P. M. Olmsted. 2013. Migration, survival, growth, and fate of hatchery juvenile Chinook salmon released above and below dams in the North Santiam River. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Willamette Basin Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis, OR.

Friesen, T. A. 2012. Not just a big pipe… the lower Willamette River and its role in the outmigration and ecology of juvenile Chinook salmon. Lower Willamette River Cleanup and Restoration Conference, Portland Harbor, Portland, OR.

Friesen, T. A., M. A. Johnson, and P. M. Olmsted. 2011. Outmigration of hatchery spring Chinook salmon released above and below dams in the Middle Fork Willamette River. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Willamette Basin Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis, OR.